However, I have sent the wrong page! Tee Hee Hee
Let me try again, so sorry
we all suffer delusions but some are worse than others, and if the governing body's delusions of believing they are spoke person for jehovah are deep then they can not learn from their mistakes,, at least not when true honesty is involved.
this delusion will color things so heavily and cause them to play loose with the truth even to their own selves that learning from mistakes is out of the question for them,, i think this pathetic double get more generation time new light,, kind of gives you an idea that they ain't all right up stairs so it looks like we will be able watch them go from one blunder to another as they seem to be on auto pilot because of this delusion they have...
However, I have sent the wrong page! Tee Hee Hee
Let me try again, so sorry
we all suffer delusions but some are worse than others, and if the governing body's delusions of believing they are spoke person for jehovah are deep then they can not learn from their mistakes,, at least not when true honesty is involved.
this delusion will color things so heavily and cause them to play loose with the truth even to their own selves that learning from mistakes is out of the question for them,, i think this pathetic double get more generation time new light,, kind of gives you an idea that they ain't all right up stairs so it looks like we will be able watch them go from one blunder to another as they seem to be on auto pilot because of this delusion they have...
Thankyou Frankie that worked fine
we all suffer delusions but some are worse than others, and if the governing body's delusions of believing they are spoke person for jehovah are deep then they can not learn from their mistakes,, at least not when true honesty is involved.
this delusion will color things so heavily and cause them to play loose with the truth even to their own selves that learning from mistakes is out of the question for them,, i think this pathetic double get more generation time new light,, kind of gives you an idea that they ain't all right up stairs so it looks like we will be able watch them go from one blunder to another as they seem to be on auto pilot because of this delusion they have...
Long time, no hear from!
Could someone please remind me how to send a clickable link please?
.... no, not the forum, just the computer for a few minutes, i'm hungry!
On a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again,
Oh Babe I hate to go.....
Oh, pardon
Never Mind
one year sober.
got bombed today.
really upset at myself.
Tried to edit, failed.
Fivey, I have had the good fortune to "know" both Outlaw and Mini for quite some time, it is not in their hearts to cause you pain. It is more empathy, compassion, mixed with a wicked sense of humor. I wish you comfort.
one year sober.
got bombed today.
really upset at myself.
Hey 5th
Dont be so hard on yourself. Go to a room, or whatever you do for your support and get back to what you do.
Aint no big thang...
Addiction comes with relapses. Just happens. How long and how far it goes is up to us. Carry On.
how can we know how many members we have?
i am trying to get an idea of how many have left the org.
is there a place that says how many visitors we get here a month, too?.
Sorry Dear, the math wont add up.
how many that post here has no relevance on how many are leaving or have left. We are but a sounding board of people who care to opine on jw issues for various reasons/causes.
hi, i haven't used this for a long time, due to the feeling of not needing to.
i've been getting on with life, fine, for some time now.
so been out 10 years, parents and other family still in.. well i guess i'm just asking how you cope, really, my family are becoming worse with me, and my son, (who has autism), little by little, and just the general putting the jw life before everything else, including me, my child, life in general, simple things and keeping us at arms length, it's really hard, as i have a relative trying to dig dirt on me, spreading it round the family in order to try and cause more upset for me.. so just a simple question, on how you've all coped in this situation.. thanks .
I can just feel the stress from your post, I can only imagine what you are going through. I am so sorry for your pain and troubles, I wish I could do something meaningful to help.
You know, you are never over it while family members are still in because you and yours are shunned and your support system is minimalized.
Family is so very important to our well being, and to have that absent is tragic. I wish that your folks knew that basic, human need.
If there is anything I can do to comfort you, please let me know. YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Be strong Dear One.
i have not posted in a very long time, but here is a link i thought might be of interest.
it made our local paper, likely sent by the jws for some more free publicity..
i posted a reply under their comments.
I am in agreement with Elsewhere, Outlaw, and Others in that most copied does in no way mean most read.
Hello, Estee! Been a long time, hope all is well with you! Thanks for sharing the local news, it is interesting to see them making fools of themselves is it not?
the officer was very understanding and helpful .
he said you would be surprised how many citizens they have come in and ask how to stop the jehovahs from coming to their doors .. .
i told him my whole story about leaving the jw's after 44 yrs and just wanting peace and freedom .
Good On You TM!
If someone (or organization) picked on me for over 40 years, I'd be pissed too! Funny how peace is taken for granted, till you don't have any, then it is like fighting to breathe!
I am proud of you for standing up for yourself and for making a little noise about it.